Catalyst helps individuals find God's heart for mission
Christ has placed in the heart of His followers a desire to impact the world. If our call is to make disciples of all nations, where should we begin? How do we most effectively invest our time, talents, and treasures? How do we prepare for God's mission? Catalyst helps individuals make an eternal impact by providing opportunities and preparation for service.
“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.””
Have you ever wondered if a short-term trip can have a long term impact? Often, resources and time are wasted by not focusing on what is sustainable and reproducible. Training indigenous leaders who will multiply the gospel among their own people provides the best way to reach the world. Catalyst Missions offers opportunities to use your gifts and resources to make a lasting difference.
As part of our commitment to preparing trip participants for engagement on the mission field, Catalyst manages all trip details and utilizes ministry coordinators in project sites who secure on-ground logistics. We desire that trip participants focus on the ministry they will be providing to our pastors and leaders. We handle the details so you can concentrate on what matters most.
Making a lasting impact is what you desire to do. But, how do you prepare? Perhaps you feel ill-equipped to do the work to which God has called you. Catalyst Missions provides training to prepare you for work on the field. Because Catalyst is committed to offering the best possible instruction to our indigenous leaders, we supply participants with all needed materials and training preparation.
If you would like to travel with us in 2018 and use your gifts on the field, please drop us a message here. If you would like to invest your resources in this ministry, please visit our Donate page. For more information on Catalyst Missions or if you would like us to come speak at your church, gathering, event, etc. please email us at