Amid a sociopolitical crisis that has crippled the Nicaraguan economy, the Lord has sustained the work on the ground through faithful leaders, willing to suffer for His name.
Central America Project has…
1 Graduated Class
50 First Generation Students
7 Different Nicaraguan States
4 Training sites in Cuba
480 Second Generation Disciples
Catalyst’s Central America project represents one of our most effective training sites. With students coming from 5 different sedes (states) in Nicaragua, Catalyst is currently engaging these 7 states through our students:
In October 2017, Catalyst Missions began a new project in Central America. The Nicaragua project was birthed out of a need in this central American country for deep gospel roots. Although the gospel is most certainly present in Nicaragua, the opportunities for theologically and methodologically precise training are scarce. We have been overwhelmed by the thirst for education and the pervasive need for training to help equip pastors and disciples for the establishment of healthy churches.
We graduated our first cohort group of students in 2021 and have since started with a second cohort group of pastors, church leaders and disciples. By God’s grace, in 2022, we conducted 3 trainings with our new cohort group in our central site, sent regional coordinators for weekly discipleship with our current students, and continue to strengthen our graduates. We are already beginning to track a downline of discipleship and a growing number of pastors and disciples investing themselves in the training.
In 2024, we plan to build on this foundation by conducting 3 week-long module trainings in our central site and continue our schedule of discipleship with second-generation disciples in the Catalyst pipeline in 7 Nicaraguan states.
Through difficulty, the Lord has continued this work. We see the fruit of the labor in churches established in sound doctrine who are capturing a vision to reach lostness, disciples being multiplied across Nicaragua, and saints suffering with joy as they fill up the afflictions of Christ (Col. 1:24).
While teaching through the first module of Old Testament Survey in Managua, Pastor Luis noted that this training offered him the opportunity for the first time to see Jesus in all of the Scriptures. He was amazed! This introduction to right doctrine and interpretation of the Bible was immediately reproduced as he returned to pastor his congregation. We praise God for these stories of His grace.
Cuba: 2021 provided the opportunity to connect with a pastor in Cuba on an extended basis, work to develop a relationship in which we have vetted doctrine, character and capacity. By God’s grace, in 2022, we started two pastor training cohorts in Cuba in Havana and Jatibonico with 20 students total. Additionally, we have started two women’s discipleship cohorts in Camaguey and Santiago. In 2024, we plan to conduct 12 trainings total in these 4 locations. Please pray for this work!