In a country of 200 million Islamic adherents, Catalyst is seeking to raise up leaders who will see the fields as white for the harvest.
SouthEast Asia Project has…
30 Students
26 Graduates
2 Regions of Indonesia
In January 2015, Catalyst Missions took a vision trip to INDONESIA to explore a possible relationship with KPACT ministries. This relationship had the prospect of fulfilling a need to train leaders on the Island of Timor near Kupang City. After connecting with local pastors and leaders, Catalyst decided to covenant with them for training.
In July 2015, Catalyst took a small team back to West Timor Island to train local leaders in the first module. By God's grace, we continue to see leaders take ownership of their training as the enthusiasm grows with each new week and have graduated our first class in this location in September 2018.
Indonesia is a collection of 17,000 islands with an estimated population of 255,000,000 people. The islands have an established presence of Islam consisting of over 87% of the population. The official language is Bahasa Indonesian, but there are many English speakers.
The need for leader training is great in this dark place, and the work is certainly difficult. Still, the Lord of the harvest is raising up a generation of men and women eager to sacrifice for the gospel mission. Having graduated our first group of pastors and leaders from Soe in 2018, Catalyst revisited this same group to strengthen the brothers as Paul did in Acts 14. Our goal is to use these additional trainings as opportunities to deal with ministry issues and barriers specific to the context.
When they had preached the gospel to that city and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God -Acts 14:21-22.
Plans for 2021 include making another church strengthening trip to Soe and seek to establish a regional coordinator for a potential new training site.
Arbetnah Lak-Apu is a pastor in a local community called Soe. He has been faithful to attend every training. Arbethnah’s church is very remote. Many of his congregants are unable to read or speak the national language of Indonesia. Catalyst Missions can reach these people through Arbetnah. As a direct result of the Catalyst training, Arbetnah has started 6 new discipleship groups in addition to his church, totaling over 100 Indonesians being impacted by the multiplication of this one man. Arbetnah is one of several similar testimonies.